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Toners, why you should incorporate them in your skincare routine and how to use them

What is a Toner?

Fast-penetrating liquids that includes tonics, essence, e.t.c., that hydrates the skin while removing dirts and dead skin cells. It is versatile because depending on the content of the toner, it can directly deliver different amazing skincare elements to the skin.

Why is it so important to use toners?

Though some people claim it’s not necessary to use toners, I personally, don’t agree with that.
What’s the use of slapping on products on dirty, non-breathable skin?? How will the skin be able to absorb these products if it can’t penetrate the skin?

The pores of the face, which enables oil/sebum leave the skin to the surface, can occasionally get clogged from excess oil, dirt and debris of microscopic dead skin cells. ‪Toners can help ‬remove these and unclog the pores, resulting to a skin that’s more receptive to skincare products, enhancing absorption and ensuring maximum effectiveness.

Having unclogged pores also reduces the occurrence of pimples or acne. This is because the build up of dirt and oil on the pores can lead to bacterial infestation which can turn these comedones into pimples.

Another very important role toners play in skincare is that it minimizes the APPEARANCE of pores. This means that it does not reduce the pore sizes because pores are genetic and it’s scientifically impossible to make the pores smaller, (would talk about that some other time), but toners can refine(cleanse) the pores and help tighten the skin, making the pores appear smaller.

Toners also corrects and balance the pH of the skin, which can be disputed during washing with alkaline products. Having the right skin pH, which is slightly acidic at 5.5, also helps adequate absorption of products.

Toners refreshes the skin because they’re are hydrating and some are even moisturizing.
If you have an oily skin, using a toner becomes an absolute necessity because, more excessive oil production & clogged pores that needs to be gotten rid of.

Now, if you’ve read to this point you’re definitely waiting for this part. The toner to get for your skin type. Here’re some active ingredients to look out for in toners, according to your skin type.

For acne prone skin:
If your skin is sensitive, go for alcohol free toners containing; AHAs (AHAs are exfoliating, brightens the skin, promotes collagen production and so much more e.g. lactic acid), Azelaic acid(very good for extremely sensitive skin), amino acids/peptides.
Rose water is great as well.

For non-sensitive acne prone skin, go for alcohol free toners containing BHAs(same functions & properties as AHAs but they go deeper into the skin) eg salicylic acid, Benzoly peroxide, tea tree oil/extract. Using diluted apple cider vinegar is great too.

The only time I’d recommend a toner containing an astringent, eg witch hazel, is when it comes in an oil vehicle, as an oil-based toner, and is alcohol free. And even at that, it should only be used for a short period of time and shouldn’t be used long term because using astringent to dry out pimples isn’t the best option as they are too drying for the skin generally and harms the skin in the long run. Also, the antibacterial properties of astringents for acne management haven’t been proven beneficial for the skin.

For combination or normal skin type:
Use toners containing AHAS e.g. lactic acid, glycolic acid, citric acid, Malic acid. Co-enzyme Q10 (an antioxidant good for hydration), humectants (glycerine, Hyaluronic acid etc), essential oils e.g. chamomile oil, tea tree oil.

For oily skin type:
Go toners containing AHAs & BHAs eg lactic acid, glycolic acid, salicylic acid.
Clay based toners to help curb oil production, avoid toners with comedogenic oils, toners with antioxidants such as green tea extracts.
Oil cleansing helps oily skin especially because the oil can soften the comedones(blackheads and whiteheads) making it easier to get them off the pores.

For dry skin type:
Use alcohol free toners and oil-based toners that contains humectants to help with needed hydration, vitamin E, essential oils, and more soothing and hydrating agents like aloe vera etc.
Using micellar water and rose water helps as well.

Now that we know what toners to use, how do you use these toners for optimum effect?
The best method, would be massaging the toners into the skin. You can use the fingers, but I opt for jade rollers to minimize getting germs from dirt into the skin. Apply it following the #60secondrule by LAbeautologist. Works wonders.
Other methods includes;
Spraying the toners unto the face,
Using a cotton wool/pad(which wouldn’t help get the best out of the toner because the cotton absorbs most of it),
Using a gauze facial mask(i.e. a mask covered with toner and placed on the face for a few minute).

What toners shouldn’t get near the skin? Like I said earlier, astringents(eg witch hazel) and alcohol has no place in skincare because the harm outweighs the benefit.

Would suck to keep struggling with your skin because you keep drying it out even as you try to fix it. The skin needs a moisturized surface to work on, and drying agents ruin the moisture barrier of the skin – skin’s moisture barrier, aka lipid barrier, is responsible for locking in moisture and keeping your skin hydrated and healthy

Finally, always follow up your toning with moisturizers. And please, use a sunscreen all the time. Whether you’re going out, or staying home. The sun and it’s rays are EVERYWHERE.


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